
Makers of the...
Air Band Antennas
Official Photos - NASA Ames
This page contains photos of aircraft
flown at NASA Ames Research Center, past and present.
All North Spin photographs are Copyright © by the
photographers that took them, and are not to be
re-posted or redistributed.
P-80A - US Army Air Force #44-85099 -
NACA # N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 7/22/1946 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: Built by
P-51H - US Army Air Force #44-64415 -
NACA #130 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 6/22/1947 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: Eventually
registered as N49WB.
P-80A-1 - US Army Air Force #44-85299
- NACA #131 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 11/5/1951 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: Testing of
vortex generators on wing.
SB2-C5 - US Navy BuNo 83135 - NACA
#147 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 6/30/1953 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: The Curtiss
F-84F-5-RE - US Air Force #51-1364 -
NACA #155 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 12/15/1953 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: Testing the
Republic built "Thuderstreak".
F-86E - US Air Force #50-606 - NACA
#157 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 7/8/1955 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: Evaluating
carrier approach techniques in the
North American "Sabre".
TV-1 - US Navy BuNo 33868 - NACA #206 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 12/15/1955 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: The Navy
training version of the Lockheed
F-4D-1 - US Navy BuNo 134759 - NACA #
N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 4/5/1956 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: The Douglas
built "Skyray".
F-86D - US Air Force #53-787 - NACA
#216 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 10/3/1956 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: Testing of
the Hughes CSTI equipment.
F-102A - US Air Force #56-1358 - NACA
# N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 7/1/1958 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: The Convair
built "Delta Dagger"... This ship
tested fire control and auto
maneuvering systems.
F-106A - US Air Force #57-235 - NASA #
N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 5/15/1959 |
Credit: NASA |
Notes: Built by
Convair... Tested fire control and
auto maneuvering systems.
NC-130B - US Air Force #58-0712 - NASA
# N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 9/12/1961 |
Credit: Lee Jones /
Notes: Testing of
STOL. Has "Boundary Layer Control"
on the side.
F5D-1 - US Navy BuNo 139208 - NASA
#212 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 10/1964 |
Credit: Dave West /
Notes: N/A
XP-75A-1 - US Army Air Force #44-44550
- NACA # N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 3/30/1945 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: Built by
General Motors.
BTD-1 - US Navy BuNo 04968 - NACA #
N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 8/30/1945 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: The Douglas
built "Destroyer".
YP-80A - US Army Air Force #44-83023 -
NACA # N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 10/12/1945 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: The
Lockheed built "Shooting Star" was
the first jet aircraft at Ames.
C-46A - US Army Air Force #41-12293 -
NACA # N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 3/22/1946 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: The Curtiss
built "Commando"... Participated in
de-icing research.
XF7F-1 - US Navy BuNo 03550 - NACA #
N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 5/14/1946 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: The Grumman
built "Tigercat".
F-4U-4 - US Navy BuNo 97028 - NACA #
N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 5/31/1946 |
Credit: NACA |
Notes: The Chance
Vought built "Corsair".
XV-5B VTOL - Serial #62-4505 - NASA
#705 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 8/20/1968 |
Credit: Jim
Remington / NASA |
Notes: #705 was
one of the VTOL test beds.
X-14B - NASA #704 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 8/2/1971 |
Credit: Lee Jones /
Notes: Built by
C-8A - US Air Force #63-13686 - NASA
#716 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 5/2/1973 |
Credit: King / NASA |
Notes: #716 was
the Augmentor Wing Jet STOL Research
Aircraft (AWJSRA)
T-38A - US Air Force #61-0870? - NASA
#717 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 12/4/1974 |
Credit: Richard
Clayton / NASA |
Notes: N/A
C-8A QSRA - US Air Force #63-13687 -
NASA #715 |
Location: Pacific |
Date: 7/10/1980 |
Credit: Richard
Clayton / NASA |
Notes: This is the
Quiet Short Haul Aircraft (QSRA)
conducting a carrier trial in the
Pacific, on the USS Kitty Hawk.
NC-130B - US Air Force 58-0712 - NASA
#707 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 6/29/1982 |
Credit: Larry
Sammons / NASA |
Notes: "NASA Earth
Survey" displayed on side.
YAV-8B - US Marine BuNo 158394 - NASA
#704 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 11/1/1985 |
Credit: Larry
Sammons / NASA |
Notes: #704 was
the last of the V/STOL aircraft
flown at Ames, which tested systems
for the next generation of V/STOL
fighter aircraft.
ER-2 #80-1097 NASA #709 & TR-1A
#80-1069 NASA #708 |
Location: San
Francisco, CA |
Date: ?/?/1988 |
Credit: Eric James
/ NASA |
Notes: #709 was
eventually moved to Dryden FRC as
NASA #809.
DC-8-72 - NASA #717 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 9/?/1991 |
Credit: Hart &
Reddy / NASA |
Notes: Flying
lab... Eventually moved to Dryden
FRC as NASA #817.
ER-2 - US Air Force #80-1097 - NASA
#709 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 3/15/1995 |
Credit: Dominic
Hart / NASA |
Notes: Shown here
with the satellite uplink pod. #709
was eventually moved to Dryden FRC
as NASA #809.
ER-2 - US Air Force #80-1097 - NASA
#709 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 3/15/1995 |
Credit: Dominic
Hart / NASA |
Notes: Shown here
with the digitally enhanced
satellite uplink pod. #709 was
eventually moved to Dryden FRC as
NASA #809.
XV-3 VTOL - US Army Aviation #54-148 -
NASA # N/A |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 4/10/1961 |
Credit: Lee Jones /
Notes: Last flown
UH-1H - US Army #69-15231 - NASA #733 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 5/9/1979 |
Credit: Bob
Carnahan / NASA |
Notes: #733 was
the V/STOLAND test bed... A joint
Army/NASA program.
CH-47B - US Army #66-19138 - NASA #737 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 8/12/1985 |
Credit: NASA |
Notes: Part of the
Variable Stability Research Rotor
Craft program.
CH-47B - US Army #66-19138 - NASA #737 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 8/12/1985 |
Credit: NASA |
Notes: #737 had a
fly-by-wire control system and three
flight computers installed, for use
in its test program.
JAH-1S - US Army #77-22768 - NASA #730 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 8/12/1985 |
Credit: Bill
Zuehlke / NASA |
Notes: #730
participated in the Flying
Laboratory for Integrated Test and
Evaluation (FLITE) program.
NAH-1S - US Army #70-15979 - NASA #736 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 6/4/1990 |
Credit: Paul
Langston / NASA |
Notes: #736 was
the successor to the original FLITE
Cobra, #730. There was also an
earlier #736 Cobra at Ames that was
an AH-1G.
X-Wing - Serial #72-002 - NASA #741 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 8/26/1982 |
Credit: NASA |
Notes: Built by
Sikorsky, the X-Wing was the Rotor
Systems Research Aircraft (RSRA)...
Which was a joint NASA/Army program.
SH-3G - US Navy BuNo 149723 - NASA
#735 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 8/25/1988 |
Credit: Bill Clark
/ NASA |
Notes: #735 was
flown at Ames from 1977 to 1993.
UH-60A - US Army #82-23748 - NASA #748 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 9/22/1998 |
Credit: Bill Clark
/ NASA |
Notes: #748 came
from Dryden FRC, where in 1987, it
participated in the Modern Rotor
Aerodynamic Limits Survey.
JUH-60 RASCAL - US Army #78-23012 -
NASA #750 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 12/9/1991 |
Credit: Dominic
Hart / NASA |
Notes: #750 was
originally the Boeing Advanced
Digital Optical Control System
demonstrator. It arrived at Ames in
1989 and is known as the Rotorcraft
Aircrew Systems Concepts Airborne
UH-60A - US Army #82-23748 - NASA #748 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 11/17/1993 |
Credit: Dominic
Hart / NASA |
Notes: #748 is
pictured here while participating in
the Golden MUX Bucket Blade Vortex
Interaction Noise Experiment.
JUH-60 RASCAL - US Army #78-23012 -
NASA #750 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 8/?/1993 |
Credit: Dominic
Hart / NASA |
Notes: Shown on
the ramp at night with the IR camera
mount on the nose.
UH-60A - US Army #82-23748 - NASA #748 |
Location: NASA Ames
- Moffett Field, CA |
Date: 1//11/1993 |
Credit: JT Heineck
/ NASA |
Notes: Shown
flying with the MUX Bucket.