A newly modified NASA #926 (#63-13503) is seen
over March ARB, CA 4/8/09
Photo: Dan Stijovich
4/13/2009 - NASA's WB-57 #926 has recently been
spotted with new, fairly extensive modifications,
which appear to have been added to the aircraft in
late 2008, early 2009. The most noticeable new
features are a larger nose radome, which possibly
houses a new radar, and a long thin radome mounted on
the front side of the fuselage... possibly indicating
some sort of low band antenna or scanned array.
Numerous new antennas and other details have also been
#926 was utilized in 2007/08 in the testing of the
Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN). BACN
is a system that offers the ability to link
communications of various types and modes in both

Newly modified NASA #926 taxis at March ARB,
CA 4/6/09
Photo: Dan Stijovich
data and voice form, between numerous assets on the
battlefield. The system basically acts as a
communications hub that allows various entities across
multiple services to pass voice, text, video and other
data, using equipment that might otherwise be
incompatible when used directly. This system is
intended to ultimately be utilized on Unmanned Aerial
This new equipment appears to be part of the
continued testing in the BACN program, but may also be
part of a separate, or combined test program.
Source: ©The North Spin