The first fully upgraded C-5M #86-0013 is seen
taking off with it's Dover markings.
Photo: Lockheed
8/18/2008 - MARIETTA, GA -- The Lockheed Martin C-5
Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program (RERP)
flight test team has successfully completed
developmental testing of all three C-5 RERP test
aircraft. The testing included verification of
performance and reliability enhancements to the
propulsion system, utilities and subsystems, flight
controls, airframe and avionics systems.
“This significant milestone is yet another step in
ensuring the C-5 continues supporting our customer’s
strategic airlift requirements for many decades,” said
George Shultz, vice president of the C-5 Modernization
Program at Lockheed Martin. “Completing this test
profile represents the hard work, cooperation and
professionalism of our combined USAF and Lockheed
Martin test team. The modified C-5M performed great
throughout the test program, demonstrating consistent
and reliable performance allowing this team to execute
all test points as planned.”
Now that RERP developmental flight test is complete,
preparations get underway to deliver the three test
aircraft to the Air Force in support of Operational
Test and Evaluation, scheduled to begin in the third
quarter of 2009.
The C-5M Super Galaxy is the result of a two-phase
modernization effort. The first and ongoing phase is
the Avionics Modernization Program (AMP), which
provides a state-of-the art glass cockpit and a
digital backbone to support the RERP modifications.
Forty-three C-5 aircraft have completed the AMP
modifications. The aircraft, already returned to the
fleet, have logged more than 38,000 hours of
operational use.
RERP is the second phase, which adds new GE CF6-80C2
commercial engines and 70 other enhancements or
replacements of major components and subsystems. The
modification significantly increases systems
reliability and improves availability. The additional
10,000 pounds of thrust per propulsion system creates
40,000 pounds more thrust across the platform,
significantly improving operational performance. These
reliability enhancements dramatically reduce total
ownership cost for the USAF, and the more fuel
efficient CF6-80C2 will offer an additional fuel
savings benefit.
The C-5 fleet has been the backbone of strategic
airlift in every engagement since it entered service.
It is the only aircraft capable of carrying 100
percent of certified air-transportable cargo, with a
dedicated passenger compartment enabling commanders to
have troops and their equipment arrive in an area of
operation simultaneously. The C-5M can carry twice the
cargo of other strategic airlift systems and the
modified C-5M Super Galaxy will continue to be a force
enabler through 2040.
Source: Lockheed Press Release