The Orion crew module mockup arrives by C-17
to NASA Dryden FRC at Edwards AFB to prepare
for testing 3/28/08
Photo: Tony Landis
4/3/2008 - EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA -- Air Force
loadmasters oversaw the unloading of the full-scale
Orion abort test crew module mockup from a Mississippi
Air National Guard C-17A Globemaster III cargo
aircraft here March 28. The Orion crew vehicle mock-up
was being delivered to NASA's Dryden Flight Research
Center here to undergo preparations for the first
short-range flight test of the spacecraft's astronaut
escape system later this year. Engineers and
technicians at NASA's Langley Research Center
fabricated the structure, which precisely represents
the size, outer shape and mass characteristics of the
Orion space capsule.
Ground crewmen with NASA's Dryden Flight Research
Center later escorted the boilerplate Orion crew
module down the Edwards flight-line to NASA Dryden FRC
on April 1, after the module had been painted in the
Edwards paint hangar.

The Orion crew module mockup is moved from the
paint shop to Dryden FRC 4/1/08
Photo: Tony Landis
Source: USAF Edwards AFB Press Release