JAS-39 Gripen B #39802 of the Empire Test Pilot School
is seen in flight.
Photo: Janne Gustafsson
Copyright © Gripen International |
2/15/2008 - Test pilot students at the renowned Empire Test
Pilots’ School (ETPS), MOD Boscombe Down in the United
Kingdom, will continue to have access to fly Sweden´s
new generation Gripen fighter under the recently signed agreement
with Saab.
The agreement marks the 10th anniversary of collaboration between
Saab and ETPS, which is an integral part of the UK Aircraft
Test and Evaluation Centre (ATEC), and is operated by QinetiQ
in partnership with the UK MOD.
This new agreement for 2008 will mirror the structured approach
of the successful 2005-2007 campaigns, with two flying training
campaigns in Sweden per year. The 2008 training campaigns will
be for seven international students, each of whom will fly up
to 11 hours on Gripen across seven sorties with their ETPS Instructor
Pilots (IP’s).
"Saab is delighted that ETPS has chosen to further extend
the training of its students on the Gripen. We have a high degree
of interest in the art of flight test, so we are happy to co-operate
with such a prestigious flight test school and expose our aircraft
to such high-level personnel. We are also fully committed to
supporting the future aspirations the ETPS may have for Gripen",
says Lennart Sindahl, Executive Vice President of Saab.
Since 1999, ETPS has included Gripen in its test pilot training
courses, working in conjunction with Saab. Groups of trainees
and their instructor pilots (IP’s) have gone to Sweden
to experience Gripen´s advanced cockpit technology and
flight characteristics.
“Modern aircraft rely on both sophisticated flight control
systems and advanced integrated mission systems for their effectiveness.
It is important that future generations of test pilots and flight
test engineers are exposed to these technologies and are able
to test and evaluate them objectively. In recent years, ETPS
has been using the Saab Gripen aircraft as an important component
of this training with great success and is pleased to be continuing
the programme”. Ian Burrett- Director Aerospace Training
at QinetiQ.
Following the highly successful 2005-2007 ETPS Gripen training
campaigns, for which all syllabus requirements were met, zero
flights were lost due to un-serviceability and where all teaching
goals in all areas were exceeded, the new 2008 deal will build
on this success, further embedding Gripen as an integral part
of the ETPS course.
In 2008, each ETPS course will contain two training campaigns
(May and August/September) to be undertaken by seven (7) students
with three (3) IP’s. The IP´s will undergo a three-week
conversion exercise, ahead of the commencement of the training
campaigns, to re-qualify them on Gripen. The test pilot students
in 2008 will be drawn from the Royal Air Force, Switzerland,
Singapore, the Netherlands and Pakistan. Each student will fly
Gripen for eleven (11) hours with a complementary course of
simulator flying. Flight operations will be undertaken at Saab’s
facility in Linköping, while simulator training will be
conducted at the Swedish Air Force F7 Wing, Såtenäs.
The ETPS programme is being carried out in close co-operation
with Saab and the Swedish Air Force, and will further strengthen
the excellent relations that already exist between these highly
skilled operators.
Source: Gripen Press Release