USAF C-5M #86-0025 takes off from AF Plant
#42, Palmdale, CA 11/13/07
Photo: Dan Stijovich
11/17/2007 - The second C-5 to receive the C-5M
'Super Galaxy' upgrade is currently undergoing testing
out of Edwards Air Force Base, through a joint effort
between Lockheed and the 418th Flight Test Squadron.
The 418th typically handles testing of all 'heavy'
type aircraft in the US Air Force inventory, including
the C-17A and numerous variants of the C-130. C-5B
#86-0025 was second in line to receive the full 'M'
upgrade. The aircraft was originally stationed at
Dover Air Force Base and still wears the markings of
the 436th AW and 512th AW. #025 made its first post
'M' upgrade flight on November 17, 2006. The first C-5
to receive the complete 'M' upgrade was #86-0013, also
from Dover AFB. #013 has also spent time testing at
Edwards AFB.

USAF C-5M #86-0025 works the pattern at AF
Plant #42, Palmdale, CA 11/13/07
Photo: Dan Stijovich
The C-5M program suffered a small setback recently on
the afternoon of November 15, 2007. #025 was leaving
from Edwards Air Force Base on a typical test mission
when it encountered multiple rear tire blowouts during
takeoff. Once airborne, the aircraft stayed at
altitude in close proximity to the field until the
extent of the damage was determined. As a precaution,
the crew eventually landed safely on one of the lake
bed runways just before sunset.
The Super Galaxy upgrade program began when it was
determined approximately 80% of airframe service life
remained in the majority of the C-5 fleet. The full
upgrade is a combination of the Avionics Modernization
Program (AMP) and Reliability Enhancement and
Re-engining Program (RERP). The new CF6-80C2 engines
will produce 22% more thrust than the old engines,
resulting in a 30% shorter take-off distance, a 38%
higher climb rate, increased cargo load, and a longer
range between refueling.
Source: Dan Stijovich
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