The A160T Hummingbird flies during its
eight-hour flight Sept. 26 near Victorville,
CA, carrying a 1,000-pound payload.
Photo: Keith Skelton
9/28/2007 - ST. LOUIS -- The Boeing Company
successfully flew its A160T Hummingbird unmanned
rotorcraft Sept. 26 for eight hours while carrying a
1,000-pound payload.
During its longest flight to date and the program's
42nd flight overall, the aircraft reached an altitude
of 5,000 feet near Victorville, Calif. The half-ton
payload simulated the delivery of critical supplies to
the battlefield. Future payloads will include a
combination of sensors, weapons and systems to perform
a variety of missions.
"This is a major milestone for Boeing, the A160
program and unmanned rotorcraft," said Jim Martin,
Boeing A160T program manager. "The ability to carry a
1,000-pound payload and fly for that duration puts the
A160T in a category by itself. In fact, we only used
half the maximum fuel so we could have flown many more
Since its first flight in June, the A160T has logged
several additional flights, including a five-hour
flight on Aug. 29. Ultimately, Boeing plans to fly the
aircraft for 18 consecutive hours with a 300-pound
payload. The A160T, a turbine-powered version of the
innovative piston-powered A160 helicopter, features
unmatched range, endurance, payload and altitude for
an unmanned rotorcraft. The flexible payload module
can carry supplies or retrieve downed personnel.
The aircraft used during the tests is the second of
11 A160Ts Boeing Advanced Systems is building for the
Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency.
The Hummingbird features a unique optimum speed rotor
technology that significantly improves overall
performance efficiency by adjusting the rotor's speed
at different altitudes, gross weights and cruise
speeds. The autonomous unmanned aircraft, measuring 35
feet long with a 36-foot rotor diameter, eventually
will fly more than 140 knots with a ceiling of 25,000
to 30,000 ft. (high hover capability up to 15,000 ft.)
for up to 20 hours. Operational A160Ts will be capable
of persistent intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance; target acquisition; direct action;
communication relay and precision re-supply missions.
Source: Boeing Press Release