The first EA-18G aircraft "EA-1" is seen in
flight during test and evaluation at Patuxent
River NAS, MD.
Photo: by Randy Hepp
4/20/2007 - The Navy’s next-generation electronic
warfare aircraft has completed the first phase of test
and evaluation, and is set to receive hardware and a
final build of software that will make it the world’s
most capable aircraft of its kind.
The EA-18G Growler has finished an ambitious regimen
of flight tests since the arrival of Growler test
prototype aircraft EA-2 at Naval Air Station Patuxent
River, Md. in late November. The team has implemented
a new concept of Integrated Test and Evaluation,
concurrently completing both system developmental
testing and an independent fleet operational
assessment within the first 90 days of flight test.
Feedback from operational testers is being immediately
incorporated into development of the platform and its
systems, which will provide a more capable system to
the fleet and, in this case, is shortening the
development time needed to deliver the aircraft to the
The EA-18G mission systems test team and aircrew from
Flight Test and Evaluation Squadrons VX-23 at Pax
River, VX-31 and VX-9 at NAWS China Lake, Calif., and
Boeing contractor crews have had a single Growler
flying up to four times a week to complete the
rigorous test schedule.
“As of late March, the Growler mission systems team
had completed over 100 hours of flight test. We have
done more in the first 80 days than I could ever have
imagined. In this case we were able to simultaneously
complete both a developmental and operational
assessment of the system on the East and West coast
using the same aircraft, ranges, flight test data, and
team of expertly qualified aircrew.” said Cmdr. Jaime
Engdahl,EA-18G test and evaluation lead. “We have
accomplished everything that needed to be done and
more, and what we’ve learned about the aircraft is
simply great.”
As one example of its success, the program schedule
required the Growler to radiate ALQ-99 pods in a Pax
River chamber by the end of February. As a result of
early software delivery and solid system performance,
the EA-18G test team was able to demonstrate this
jamming capability in December, radiate jammers
in-flight by the end of January, and had ensured
jamming functions did not interfere with safe
operation of any on-board systems across the entire
ALQ-99 radiation spectrum in the process.
Testers are using the first two Growler prototype
aircraft. EA-1, which Boeing delivered to the Navy on
Sept. 22, 2006, is at Pax River and recently completed
five months of chamber testing. EA-2, which arrived in
late November, is currently undergoing range testing
at China Lake. Even before the first Growlers arrived,
VX-23 aviators had completed five months of
aeromechanical flight tests on three Super Hornets
configured as Growlers.
The Growlers are set to receive their final software
and hardware build in July, which Engdahl calls the
last major challenge through the end of test and
evaluation. Software build 2.0 will fix deficiencies
discovered in the first software tape, which also
includes 36 percent more software functionality as
well as rolling in capabilities for Communications
Countermeasures and Multi-mission Advanced Tactical
Terminal systems hardware. The pace of testing since
December has provided the team an extra two months to
incorporate fixes into the upcoming software push.
Engdahl says the success of testing is a result of
what Naval Air Systems Command’s Super Hornet program
(PMA 265) has been declaring all along – the Growler
is a low-risk development program that combines two
proven systems into one capable design: EA-18G matches
a Super Hornet Block II aircraft with the ALQ-218(v)2,
a modified version of Improved Capabilities III
systems currently being used in combat operations by
EA-6B Prowler aircraft and which will be integrated on
the Growler. Crews deploying the ICAP III suite have
lauded it as a vast leap forward in electronic warfare
“We’ve been able to borrow a lot of the expertise we
already had in the Super Hornet, EA-6B and ICAP III
programs. This gives us a huge advantage over starting
from scratch,” Engdahl said. “When we climbed into the
Growler’s cockpit and turned the system on, or
selected ‘Master Radiate’ for the first time,
everything worked. It is rare to find a complex
airborne system that works the first time.”
The program has sought to maximize commonality across
the F/A-18E, F, and EA-18G aircraft. This is intended
to ease carrier maintenance and reduce total
life-cycle costs for the aircraft. The Growler cockpit
shares almost complete commonality with the Super
The program will reach the important Milestone C
decision in April, where the procurement decision will
be made for eight additional low –rate production
airborne electronic attack (AEA) systems. The Navy
currently plans to purchase a total of 84 Growlers.
Four EA-18Gs are currently in production and will be
used for operational evaluation in the fall of 2008.
Initial Operational Capability for the EA-18G is
expected a year later at Whidbey Island, Wash, where
the Navy’s current EA-6B squadrons are based.
“The way things have gone so far, we are looking at
being able to provide a very capable electronic
warfare platform to the fleet on an unbelievably fast
schedule and, of course, that makes us very proud.”
said Engdahl.
“With our number one goal in mind - delivering the
right capabilities on time and on cost - I've given
our tactical aircraft programs a mandate to use
best-business practices to develop the force needed to
ensure Navy and Marine Corps air dominance. The
Growler example represents one more success in our
effort to provide the warfighter with the most
advanced capabilities,” said Rear Adm. Pete Williams,
Program Executive Officer for Tactical Aircraft, who
oversees the work of PMA 265.
Source: USN Press Release by Chuck Wagner