The Boeing KC-767 demonstrator conducts AR
with a F-15E during a test mission.
Photo: Buzz Shaddy
3/9/2007 - A Boeing KC-767 Tanker aircrew transfers
fuel to the first F-15E ever produced. The company
uses F-15E1 under a cooperative research and
development agreement with the U.S. Air Force.
"The boom performed extremely well," said Rickey
Kahler, Boeing KC-767 chief test boom operator. "The
fly-by-wire system has optimized the flight controls,
making it both precise and first rate."
During the March 6 flight test, the aircrew
demonstrated the stability of the new tanker's
advanced boom by making multiple contacts with the
F-15E and passing 5,500 lbs. of fuel. The KC-767 also
transferred 10,000 lbs. of fuel to a B-52 on March 5.
"By refueling a B-52 and an F-15E in the same week,
our KC-767 team demonstrated the phenomenal
performance of this fifth generation boom while
dramatically reducing the risk for future tanker
customers like the U.S. Air Force," said Ron Marcotte,
vice president and general manager of Boeing Global
Mobility Systems.
Source: Boeing Press Release